Remember how Anthony and I went to AZ last month?
In my busy schedule, I have yet to post the most relevant pictures....

(No, I'm not talking about the giant blue skies)
(they are quite nice though, aren't they?)
My dear father-in-law fully supports my love of hot dogs.
So he did some thorough research trying to find something
that could live up to the Chicago Hot Dog.

Now, that doesn't look like a hot dog.....
Well, you're right dear readers, it's not.
Not yet at least.
On our way to seeking out the best Arizona dog,
we stopped by a Spanish Mission to attend mass.
Little did we know that they served food afterwards.....

and Anthony and I never miss the chance to try the local fare.
(even if it means eating two meals in 1 hour)
Dang, it was quite tasty.

And now, on to the main event....
Other than the long long lines,
the first thing I noticed about El Guero Canelo
was that they offered two hotdogs on one bun.

Of course I want two!
Wait, Wait...
They wrap their hotdogs in bacon?
We aren't in Chicago anymore Toto...

Dare I make this claim....
but it was the best hot dog I had EVER eaten.
I had to fight with myself because I wanted another one.
I fought my urge, and found this hidden gem in the corner.

....their very first refrigerator....
oh, how I love this place.